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More Information About Them


  Tanks were first used on 15 September 1916 by the British, after 1914 when a British army colonel named Ernest Swinton and William Hankey, secretary of the Committee for Imperial Defence Tanks came up with the idea. 

      They went around 4 mph and often got stuck in enemy trenches. 

    In 1918 72% of allied tanks were destroyed in just 4 days, Britain and France had produced 6,506 tanks between them, Germany had about 20. Tanks were extremely important because they ended some of the trench warfare.


Airplanes were used at first to spy on the enemy's trenches to see where their men were located but later in the war dogfights started happening where there would be machine guns on the plane and you would try to shoot other enemy planes down. 



U-boats were mostly used to shoot missiles at supply ships. Schweffel & Howaldt and Wilhelm Bauermade the first u-boat 

Vehicles RM: My Work
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